

15. - 17. May 2024


09:00 - 18:00


15. - 17. May 2024


09:00 - 18:00

The pivotal energetics event featuring the most recent in technology, legislation, and best practices that will shape the future of sustainability.

SEEnergy, an international conference and trade expo, will be held from May 15 to 17, 2024. Every two years, we will assess the countries of Southeast Europe’s progress in the area of green transition, systematically examine the challenges they face, and encourage discussions on how to overcome them. We will also present recent developments in technology and legislation and offer comparative examples of best practices across countries. The involvement of state agencies, institutions, energy companies, and other stakeholders involved in the organization demonstrates the importance of the green transition in Slovenia and other SEE countries.


The following topics will be addressed at the event in 2024:

  • Digitization in Energetics
  • Wind Turbines
  • Hydrogen as an environmentally friendly energy carrier
  • CO2 capture and storage in industry
  • City conference of Celje on the subject of green transition
  • What is the future of photovoltaics
  • Heat pumps and shallow geothermal energy
  • Financing of energy projects
  • What awaits local communities in the transition to a low-carbon society and examples of good practices
  • Meeting of energy ministers of SE Europe and EC representatives
  • Presentation of NECPs and investment opportunities
  • Decarbonisation of SEE region
  • Nuclear energy
  • ZMOS Assembly


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