Informative enquiry

Request an e-quote by filling out the form below.

GENERAL SPONSOR of the event, the total price of which is EUR 45,000 + VAT. There can be a maximum of two general sponsors. This bundle includes the following items:

  • 30 registrations for all three days of the congress (the standard price of one registration is EUR 890 + VAT) + 6 additional tickets for the gala dinner,
  • a uniformly decorated 24 m2 stand in the event’s exhibition area (floor covering, walls, sign board, mini kitchen and refrigerator, 2 tables, 8 chairs, counter with a bar stool, electrical connection, cabin 2×1 m with door, hanger, trash can).



  • the option of three presentations during the congress part, each lasting 30 minutes (20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for questions). The presentation must be related to one of the event’s topics,
  • inclusion of the sponsor’s name and logo on all printed and electronic event promotional materials,
  • participation of the sponsor’s representative in the pre-event press conference,
  • the inclusion of the sponsor’s promotional material in the bag containing materials for the participants,
  • advertising on the LED screen at the fairground entrance during the event,
  • posters of the sponsor at the hall where the gala dinner will be hosted,
  • 2 promotional sponsor penguins in all halls where the congress will be held,
  • 3 promotional sponsor penguins in the lunch and coffee break area,
  • 1 post before, 1 during, and 1 after the event on all of our social networks,
  • 2 e-newsletter publications (up to 250 characters with spaces, including a banner or video clip)
  • online ad (banner): 720 x 90 pixels.

GOLD SPONSOR of the event, the total price of which is EUR 22,000 + VAT. This bundle includes the following items:

  • 15 registrations for all three days of the congress (the standard price of one registration is EUR 890 + VAT) + 4 additional tickets for the gala dinner,
  • a uniformly decorated 21 m2 stand in the event’s exhibition area (floor covering, walls, sign board, mini kitchen and refrigerator, 2 tables, 8 chairs, counter with a bar stool, electrical connection, cabin 2×1 m with door, hanger, trash can).



  • the option of one presentation during the congress part, lasting 30 minutes (20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for questions). The presentation must be related to one of the event’s topics,
  • inclusion of the sponsor’s name and logo on all printed and electronic event promotional materials,
  • the inclusion of the sponsor’s promotional material in the bag containing materials for the participants,
  • advertising on the LED screen at the fairground entrance during the event,
  • 1 promotional sponsor penguin in all halls where the congress will be held,
  • 2 promotional sponsor penguins in the lunch and coffee break area,
  • 1 post before and 1 during the event on all of our social networks,
  • 1 e-newsletter publication (up to 250 characters with spaces, including a banner or video clip).

SILVER SPONSOR of the event, the total price of which is EUR 11,000 + VAT. This bundle includes the following items:

  • 8 registrations for all three days of the congress (the standard price of one registration is EUR 890 + VAT) + 2 additional tickets for the gala dinner,
  • a uniformly decorated 18 m2 stand in the event’s exhibition area (floor covering, walls, sign board, mini kitchen and refrigerator, 1 table, 4 chairs, counter with a bar stool, electrical connection, cabin 2×1 m with door, hanger, trash can).



  • the option of one presentation during the congress part, lasting 20 minutes (15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions). The presentation must be related to one of the event’s topics,
  • inclusion of the sponsor’s name and logo on all printed and electronic event promotional materials,
  • advertising on the LED screen at the fairground entrance during the event,
  • 1 promotional sponsor penguin in the lunch and coffee break area,
  • 1 post during the event on all of our social networks,
  • 1 e-newsletter publication (up to 250 characters with spaces, including a banner or video clip).

BRONZE SPONSOR of the event, the total price of which is EUR 5,500 + VAT. This bundle includes the following items:

  • 3 registrations for all three days of the congress (the standard price of one registration is EUR 890 + VAT) + 1 additional ticket for the gala dinner,
  • a uniformly decorated 15 m2 stand in the event’s exhibition area (floor covering, walls, sign board, mini kitchen and refrigerator, 1 table, 4 chairs, counter with a bar stool, electrical connection, cabin 1×1 m with door, hanger, trash can).



  • the option of one presentation during the congress part, lasting 20 minutes (15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions). The presentation must be related to one of the event’s topics,
  • inclusion of the sponsor’s name and logo on all printed and electronic event promotional materials,
  • advertising on the LED screen at the fairground entrance during the event,
  • 1 e-newsletter publication (logo only).

EXHIBITOR BUNDLE, the total price of which is EUR 4,500 + VAT. It includes the following items:

  • 2 registrations for all three days of the congress (the standard price of one registration is EUR 890 + VAT),
  • a uniformly decorated 15 m2 stand in the event’s exhibition area (floor covering, walls, sign board, mini kitchen and refrigerator, 1 table, 4 chairs, counter with a bar stool, electrical connection, cabin 1×1 m with door, hanger, trash can).


  • inclusion of the sponsor’s name and logo on all printed and electronic event promotional materials.


Thank you for submitting your application!

Thank you for your inquiry!

We will get back to you as soon as possible.